Meaning aqueductal stenosis
What does aqueductal stenosis mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word aqueductal stenosis. You can also add a definition of aqueductal stenosis yourself


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aqueductal stenosis

A blockage or narrowing of the pathway from the third to the fourth ventricle.
Source: (offline)


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aqueductal stenosis

<radiology> most common cause of congenital hydrocephalus (43%), aqueduct develops about the 6th week of gestation, M:F = 2:1, other congenital anomalies (16%): thumb deformities, prognosis: 11-30% mortality aetiology: infectious (50%): toxoplasmosis, CMV, syphillis, mumps, influenza, developmental: forking, narrowing, transverse septum (X-li [..]
Source: (offline)

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